Healthy Relationships Through Effective Communication
This two hour interactive workshop explores communication patterns, body language and role plays that will provide effective strategies to promote healthy relationships. Individuals will be able to communicate effectively by practicing effective listening skills, utilizing emotional intelligence and identifying non-verbal cues. Individuals will receive print outs, video references and practice educational materials. A certificate of completion will be provided to each individual upon completion.

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset
This two hour training focuses on identifying the the origin of a fixed mindset, verifying the evidence, and being able to view challenges as opportunities. Individuals will receive education materials and reference videos and de-escalating negative thoughts. Individuals will receive a certificate of completion.

Becoming Your Best Self
This three hour interactive workshop focuses on empowering individuals to identify and reveal their strengths, by enhancing self-esteem, and practice positive focus daily activities. Individuals will receive print outs, video reference and other educational materials to utilize at their leisure.